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Primary Contact:
Santiago Panzardi

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Rules & Sanctions
Attendee Registration
Thu, August 06, 2015 — Fri, August 07, 2015
Event Banner

2015 IRCHA Speed Cup


The Speed Cup is a competition were conventional helicopters are flown one at the time (much like a Bonneville run) against the clock to achieve the fastest average speed over 200 meters. A minimum of one pass or run in each direction is needed and the scoring times are derived from the average of the two runs of opposite directions. A set time is given to each competitor to attempt as many passes as possible in the allotted time. The fastest time from each direction are used to compute the fastest average speed.


New to this year is Super 8 racing course. Two laps around 2 pylons, 200 meters apart, with turns away from the pits.


Where: AMA Site 3 During IRCHA Jamboree

When:  Thursday August 6th, and Friday 7th  2015



8am, technical inspection, immediately followed by pilots meeting and competition, Sportsman, and multicopter classes. Super 8 round 1. Site 3



8am, technical inspection, immediately followed by pilots meeting and competition

Speed runs, Pro-Mod and Unlimited, 1st round. (2nd round for top 5 qualifiers)

Super 8 second Round 2 if time permits.

TBD-3:00pm Results and pilots prize raffle, all at Site 3

Racing Classes:

Sportsman, Pro Mod (formerly Open), Unlimited, Multicopter-S (provisional along with Sportsman), and Super 8.

(No segregation of propulsion classes)

SPORTSMAN: Commercially available helicopters assembled using OEM components by the manufacturer will be allowed in the sportsman class. Electric motors and speed controllers may vary by manufacturer. Gear ratios and motor mounts may be changed but they must be readily available from a commercial source.  Nitro and gas engines may vary by manufacturer, gear ratios and motor mounts may be changed but they must be readily available from a commercial source.  Electrics are limited to 12S Li-po, 50.4v, Glow/gas engines are limited to displacement as outlined in each class.  Exceptions to the Sportsman classification are models with fully enclosed, speed bodies or with tilted main rotors.  Optional Speed OEM components are also acceptable. Commercially available multicopters may enter and run the race the same course as Sportsman, 6S Li-po limited. Max RPMs for stock rotors will be kept to OEM max or recommended limits unless the rotor is been altered with OEM parts and approval for higher limits.

Pro-Modified (Formerly OPEN):  All helicopters manufactured in mass or limited production, and conversion kits may compete in the Pro-Modified class. Modifications to the kits are allowed. Electric power is limited to 14S Li-Po, 58.8v, Glow/gas engines are limited to displacement as outlined in each class. No full bodies allowed. Main rotor must be 90 degrees to boom. Canopies must have a minimum bottom rear opening that starts from the main shaft to the tail boom, or bottom opening of at least 30 squared inches (193 cm2 ). Exceptions to the Pro Mod classification are models with fully enclosed, speed bodies or with tilted main rotors.

UNLIMITED: Any helicopter model including those with full bodies, tilted main rotor, and one off prototypes, may compete in the Unlimited class.  Models must be propelled by the main rotor, and cannot include compound propulsion (ie, tractor or pusher propellers) or wings with surface area more than 4% of the main rotor swept area. Electrics are limited to 67.2v, and glow/gas engines are limited to displacement as outlined in each class. Retractable landing gears are permissible.



Sportsman and Open Class

Maximum flying weight with fuel or batteries................................. 6.5 kg (14.33lbs)

Maximum surface area ................................................................... 3 meters2 **

Maximum Rotor Diameter…………………………………..……..……..1.95 meters

Electric Motors power source max. no load voltage:

Sportsman..........50.4 volts,                Open ..........58.8 volts

Engine displacement limit Glow …………………………………20cc..(1.20cu in)

Engine displacement limit Ignition ………………………………33cc (2.014cu in

Unlimited Class

Maximum flying weight with fuel or batteries................................ 6.8 kg (14.99lbs)

Maximum surface area ...................................................................... 3 meters2 **

Maximum Rotor Diameter…………………………………………..….……..1.95m

Electric Motors power source max. no load voltage........................... 67.2 volts

Engine displacement limit, Glow …………………………………23cc (1.40cu in)

Engine displacement limit, Ignition ………………………....……40cc (2.26cu in)

Multicopter: As an introductory class, the only restriction is to 6S Li-Po maximum battery, or 25.2V equivalent. 

**Fixed horizontal supporting surfaces up to 4% of the swept area of the rotor(s) are permitted. A fixed or controllable horizontal stabilizer up to 2% of the swept area of the rotor(s) is permitted.


Event Rules:

1. Flight Path, Speed Run:  The model must travel the 200 meter base course in both directions without landing. Open and Unlimited classes the model will enter the course through a 100m section (pre-stage). For Sportsman, the model will enter the 200m course directly but must be in level flight (not diving) an the point of entry. The flight path should be parallel to the 200m base and must never cross the designated safety boundary and must be within the prescribed altitude in paragraph 2 in order to be scored properly.

2. Flight altitude: The altitude of the model must remain below 35meters and above 5 meters during the 100m entry and 200m course. Altitudes are measure from the pilot’s base. An altitude infraction will result in a null pass.

3. Flight path for Super 8: the model will begin from approximately 10m hover on center stage (No.1) towards a pylon at an RPM no greater than 2000RPMs holding 10m altitude. Once No.2 zone is reached the model must turn towards start line (center) and is allowed to switch to full racing RPM towards the start-finish line (No.3). The model must fly 2 figure 8 laps around the pylons. All turns must be away from the pits. Clock begins and ends as the model crosses the course center. A pilot must have a caller by his side to assist on the turns. Flag course marshals will indicate when a model has reached a pylon (or not) on every turn. A near miss turn or cut within 10m short of the pylon will incur into a 10% time penalty. A cut turn over 10m will incur in a DNF. The model should maintain a minimum altitude of 10m and a maximum of 30m while on the course. Below is a notional depiction of the course.

4. Inspections: All entries will be subjected to a technical and safety inspection before entering the event. Models weight will be recorded during inspection and will be checked at random during the event.  All electrics will undergo a voltage check just prior to staging by an event official. All Li-Po cells must be from commercially available sources.

5. Time limit for speed runs: The pilot has 3 and 1/2 minutes (4min for Unlimited class) to complete as many attempts as possible and land before the time runs out. Upon finishing the runs the helicopter will land/auto as soon as possible and re-join the staging area.

6. Flight Safety: Pilots must maintain control of the helicopter throughout the flight. If the helicopter exhibits signs of high speed porpoising, instability, or erratic flight, the pilot will be ask to land [color=red]as soon and as safely possible[/color] towards the north side of the runway or over a previously designated area. No aerobatics maneuvering is permitted over the 200m course. (Two altitude judges will clear the airspace and deconflict in case of full size traffic)

7. No of Entries: A pilot can enter one and only one entry per class, up to three classes. A pilot is permitted to fly up to 2 additional entries not of his own as surrogate pilot.  Winner of multiple classes may only claim one pool prize; trophies will be awarded as earned to the model owner.

*If additional entries are desired by a contestant/company, they could be accomplished as demonstrations if arranged with IRCHA organizers. 

8. Homologation rule for sportsman and Pro-Mod classes: Model helicopters must be commercially available and have produced a minimum of 30 kits available to the public no later than 30days before the date of the event. The model must be sold as a complete kit, or a kit with optional OEM parts.  Whenever in question, the competitor must submit a statement from the manufacturer, or distributor to the event director to confirm availability.

9. Rotor Blades: No metal blades allowed in any class. Only commercially available blades are allowed for sportsman and open classes. Use of experimental composite blades must be approved by contest director at least 30 days before the date of the event for unlimited class only.

10. Landing Gear: All helicopters models in must have a form of landing gear and a tail skid long enough to protect the tail blades. Retractable gear is allowed for unlimited class. Landing gear for sportsman class must be of stock looks and dimensions.

11. Minimum rotor size: For safety and scoring reasons, we will only accept models with a minimum main rotor span of 1.28 meters. (>600mm blades)

12. Only direct radio control with direct visual contact allowed. No FPV allowed.

13. If at any time a model enters into a violent speed stall or has an inflight anomaly the pilot will immediately be forced to land or ditch the model and end his run. The model may be allowed to re-enter  the race queue after completing a second technical-inspection by the officials.


Must preregister to enter.

For questions contact

Official Event Website



Registration: Closed
Event Dates

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Registration Closes
JULY 27, 2015 @ 12:00 AM
- Helicopters Permitted
Food & Beverage
- Concession
- Bleachers
- No Hook-Ups
- Showers
- Porta-Potties
- Full Restrooms
- RV/Trailers Allowed
- Camping Allowed
AMA Headquarters
5161 E Memorial
Muncie, IN  USA
US Dollar
Mini Unlimited Class
Mini Unlimited Class
MultiCopter Class
MultiCopter Class
Pro Modified Class
Pro Modified Class
-Pro Modified Class
Sportsman Class
Sportsman Class
-Sportsman Class
Super 8 Circuit Class
Super 8 Circuit Class
-Super 8 Circuit Class
Unlimited Class
Unlimited Class
-Unlimited Class
22/50 LEFT $ 10.00  
Thursday Aug 06, 2015 @  09:00:AM  —  EDT
Each Pilot must register to participate